Good... Very good.
Although very repetitive, it has a nice feel to it. I gotta ask, what program do you use to make this? Just curious.
Good... Very good.
Although very repetitive, it has a nice feel to it. I gotta ask, what program do you use to make this? Just curious.
I used Reason 2.5
Mmh, needs more.
Its a pretty nice song, a nice beginning, but it needs more. You should add some accompniament to the piano. I'm impressed you did it by ear. Keep trying...
ye i know i need an accompiament.
I like it. I just dont know why.
This is a good song. You can play it over and over again and not get bored of it. You did a good job.
On a sidenote i find it humorus that the song you said you didnt expect to win any awards got second place in the weekly contest...
lol i wasnt aware it had gotten 2nd lol but I spent alot of time on this one and thank you for the feedback it means alot
This should be on the radio. 'nuff said.
P.S. normally i write a big review, but this time i think those 6 words are enough.
jumps out of the norm!
Look at your other songs. an average of 200 d/l's, an average of 3 reviews. now look at THIS one. 768 d/ls and 19 reviews. A rating of 4.93. This one is way out of the norm. And let me not just talk statistics. Its an excellent song. The guitars are really well played. I mean superbly played. This song is one of the best and _extremely_ well put together. I could listen to it 50 times without getting bored, which is saying something.<p>
It isnt often you find a good piece like this.
without any effort, he does it again! geez...
Coming back to NG after a few months and listening to a piece of art like this is a real treat. It has a nice begining, a nice middle, and a nice- well basically the whole song rocks. The only problem is it's too short.
This isnt my type of music, indeed this is my first review of it, but this music is pretty impressive. If I heard this on the radio, i wouldnt be that suprised (except that i heard it on newgrounds first!).
good job.
Read my review of Tranquility, minus the part about the ending :)
10 out of 10
This is one nice song! Its not catchy or anything, but it still has a nice beat and feel to it. I could listen to this song...say... 50 times before getting bored of it. The only way you could make it better is perhaps the ending...
great job, fast job, 9.5/10
funky indeed!
When you first start listening to this funky song, it sounds like nothing. Then it sounds like trash. But as you countinue listening to it, it all sort of falls in place. When that happens, listen to it again! youll realive, like me, that this is a great piece. It definately deserves a place in the top 5.
great job, funky job, original job 9/10.
Heh, thx.
I'm going to make a remix of this soon, I'm currently going through alot of my old work and remixing it. :)
(Old work meaning my old ACID Pro stuff, not my DJed work, I've pretty much stopped doing DJed songs for NG, but I still DJ)
i always forget to respond to PMs. its not because i hate you, just because i forgot!!!
Joined on 8/16/03