I will review as I listen.
Ah, starting out with the old 1 instrument, going to 2, etc. You sound like me :P (maybe not a good thing ;P )
Yup, kind of distorted synth in there hitting all the obvious notes. Definitely sounds like me.
Ok, new guy at :56. You're still hitting the obvious notes. Diversify your melody! Make me go like :O
At 1:25 you bring in a cool beat, I like how it isn't shoved in my face. Props.
Aha, faceshoving is achieved at 1:48. That synth is brought back with that melody, stacked on that other melody. Dude, you write songs just like me. I love it. Well actually, I don't really give me songs room to breathe, and you have a lot of empty space, which I appreciate.
Work on your melodies a little bit.