Some thoughts
Even early on, I can tell that you really cared about making this song right.
The chord progression is a good one, but maybe switching it up every now and then would be good.
Around 2:30 the beat comes in with the pads and gated stuff and it really makes my ears confused (it keeps pulsing). That seems to be typical of technoey ravey music though, so maybe it's what you were going for, I dunno. I wont dock you.
It's really a shame that stuff like this gets nuked by 0 voters.
The lead is a great instrument, but maybe you should have worked on that melody a little more. I felt like it could have been more interesting. That was what was holding me back from really enjoying this song, I think. Maybe a build up would have been a good idea - it's kind of hard to keep a techno song interesting without changing something, be it dynamics, chord progression, etc.
My strategy (I'm not any sort of authority, though, my songs all suck) is that whenever I get a new idea I'll try to integrate it, even if it messes with my whole song structure. It kind of plays to my ADD tendencies ;)
Voted 5.