== This is an official NGUAC Review ==
I think that the opening to this track was probably my favorite section. The little pluck melody is a pretty neat one, and it has a cool melodic contour to it. (Although I'd have to say that it was probably a bit too loud compared to the backing instruments at that point in the song).
Unfortunately, once we get into the rest of the song, in particular the two drops, stuff kinda breaks down and stops being enjoyable to me. Like, at 1:22, the rhythmic pad texture just doesn't work for me at all, and the melody on the pluck isn't enough to save it. I appreciate the switchup into a second section with 1:35, but I have to say that the melody is not effective, the sound design is kind of harsh and in fact some of the notes such as 1:42-43 sound out-of-key.
The sound design around 1:47 with those freaking cool sounding drums is really neat though, I have to say. It's really hard for me to break down your sound design as a whole, because, parts of it are REALLY cool, like the aforementioned drums, plus the drum kit at 2:15, and most of the pad sounds. The music-box like pluck around 2:30 is really nice, and who doesn't love ambient children like around 2:44? Some of the other sounds, though, like the leads and harsher pads e.g. 2:59 just aren't working for me.
The mix and overall production quality were great, however, and the production feels particularly rich. One exception is that there isn't really a lot of sub bass in this song, and I think that could have helped fill out the mix.
All in all, good track, but some unfortunate sound design choices really jarred me and there wasn't enough in the composition to really make up for it.
Mini-scores (not used to calculate final score in any way - just so you know what needs improvement):
Arrangement: 3+/4
Composition: 2+/4
Sound Design: 3/4
Production: 3+/4
Overall: 7.7