=== This is an NGAUC Audition Round Review ===
DAWG. This mixing is totally top notch! God dang. You did a bang up job! :D This track is really fascinating and fun to listen to. There's so many things going on, and a ton of awesome little details. I actually don't have a lot to critique about this one, it generally ticks all the right boxes. If anything, I feel like the 'drops' are a little off to my ears - I wish that the melody was front and center, rather than being played on a piano up high. Also generally speaking, there isn't that much of a catchy or meaningful melody here. Not that the melodies are bad - they're pretty good for the most part - but there's nothing that really stood out to me. Still; excellent job on the piece. Technically darn near perfect.
Mini-scores (See http://johnfn.newgrounds.com/news/post/936953 for what this means and how to improve)
Mixing: 4+/4
Arrangement: 3+/4
Composition: 3/4
Overall (this is not an average): 8.5/10