Really nice! Like the ambient approach. Now imagine if that melody line was some nice breathy reverbed vocals!
Really nice! Like the ambient approach. Now imagine if that melody line was some nice breathy reverbed vocals!
This is really nice. I think there's some lack of realism with the lead instruments at points, and the backing instrumentation can feel a bit repetitive at times, but that's all I can really complain about. The melodies are lovely, and a lot of the areas of the production really shine. I love the cymbal crashes specifically, plus the timbre changes on the lead instrument. 1:35 e.g. is a really nice moment.
Definitely sounds like an awesome battle theme to me :D
Thanks dude! I agree that I still am not at a point where all of the instruments sound realistic. To some extent, it's the limitation of the libraries, but I am sure that many of those aspects could be improved with an even closer look at the arrangement (which I would have to do if say, I were to create sheet music for this piece).
I also agree with the backing instrumentation bit. That's why I wanted them to play their own melody at a later part in the song (2:08 =>), although the actual instruments there are still mostly the same!
I'm especially glad if you think that the production was at least improved in this version, as I know that was one of the main problems in the original :)
Thank you for the review, and for listening!
winner imo although lofi indie just so happens to be my favorite genre so i could be biased
no this is really good tho. polish it up and put it on that album ur working on
hey wtf this IS polished. i added light up to it
This is so amazing. It boggles my mind that there's music this good on the portal.
this isnt despacito 0/10
i didn't want to get banned from the audio portal for copyright violation
really good vocals. u sound like some neo psychedelic guy from the 90s, like mercury rev
the lyrics ALSo sound neo psychedelic come to think of it LOL
ooo that's not actually me! it's my friend jack from minnesota
until the end that is i do a bit in the end
BANGER but you SUCK for not putting in that ONE GATED PART WTF
favorite parts: 0:16!!!!!, 1:07 YES I LIVE IN THE 80S NOW
the g a t e d part has been added as per request but also with a bit of extra effect
i basically worked exactly enough to get the game to be long enough so player would hear 3:10
I - iv
Fantastic!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! God the melody is such an ear worm
i n f e c t
i always forget to respond to PMs. its not because i hate you, just because i forgot!!!
Joined on 8/16/03