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    a good story line,hard quest, good game play and replay value

    Good stuff! I'll be sure to take that into consideration.

    same as above also heavy on the chracter custimization system...

    Hehe fair enough :D

    Action outside of turn-based battling (think zelda)

    Ah yes. I'm having trouble deciding if it should be turn based or real time.

    Changeable character, side quests. Study Sonny and you'll fins some good stuff/tips.

    Hm, a lot about modifying characters. Hehe don't worry about that though, I've been studying every game in the top 1000 very carefully XD

    Hmm... everything that Final Fantasy 7 offered.

    Charater devolopment
    Good storyline (above the average FPS)
    Quick'n easy item management.
    Lots of optional side quests.

    I always enjoy the end when you get some ridiculus SUPER ENOURMEOUS POWERFULL attack, like "Knights of the Round" from FF7 or Alpha Omega from MMBN.

    The ability to keep getting better gear or spells or whatnot for the whole entire game until you are a master, but then start over from a different perspective (like a different class) and play for a long time.
    Pretty much that

    Fast Action, and a steady story line that actually makes you interested. Peferably Kingdom Hearts on my part 0_o course thats just me

    Everything said but I think the main thing that draws me to RPGs has always been the stories that they can offer.

    well RPGs are a breed apart form almost every other kind of games and even still there ar other types of RPGs within RPGs turn based, turn based strategy, adventure etc but what i think makes an RPG is the ammount of customization
    mainly because your makeing your own chraechter you decide what he looks like his wepons etc but when you have a base RPG like FF7 were the charechter is set youy need to have a compelling storyline the charecters need to feel real and the world uniqe and if you dont have any of that you dont5 have a good RPG
    i cant be a Role Playing Game if your not playing a ROLE.
    its alot like flash movies you cant have too much or too little of one aspect
    the storyline can be great but if gameplay sucks.....well the gamer is gunna suck
    and vise versa you can have alll the customization in the world but if your not drawn into the game world it wont be fun to play
    what you need in an RPG and what makes them addictive are these
    good storyline
    good charecters
    customization of some kind
    and a fair degree or exploration and freedom
    in an RPG its your ROLE to play so you should have control over it or at leat some of it

    MMFCL darkhippie

    Wow, thanks for the big response! I like your thoughts about the ROLE playing game. Immersion is definitely a big factor. Thanks much :D

    customizable characters and a good battle system all on a complete storyline

    The gameplay!
    It's also diffrent from adventure games 'cause of the awesome battle stuffs.

    I don't care about characters, or storyline.
    We don't play games to watch a movie, we play them for fun.

    A good story, some creative gameplay features, and most importantly, intesnse boss battles.

    The History may be Good, Great Desing, Weapons and Armors with a Dark Style ('cuz the most cool armors and weapons are in the Enemies, and you can't use)

    And It's cool to remember, In RPGs you play with the "White Force", "Good Side".
    I think It will be GREAT if there's a RPG that you are the "DARK SIDE", 'cuz you know, not everybody like to be Good ;)

    And don't forget! MAGICS, Skils, Class and ability points Are the SOUL of a RPG!
    And the Body it's the History, Desing

    rpg games tend to be longer than fps games so you get more for your money if you buy them

    Well in my opinion good characters and storyline.
    Who wants to play a game where the game itself doesn't interest you?

    "And It's cool to remember, In RPGs you play with the "White Force", "Good Side".
    I think It will be GREAT if there's a RPG that you are the "DARK SIDE", 'cuz you know, not everybody like to be Good ;)"--bad1945.

    Not only playing as the bad guy, but having a choice, whether you play on the good side, or the bad side, and the ability to change in-game. Much like Oblivion, with the Thieves Guild and Dark Brotherhood, or Mages and Fighters Guild. Everybody loves being a badass.

    This was probably the most helpful response so far! Not to disparage anyone else who responded, because I appreciate all responses, but I like how you touched on a little bit of human psyche here. I definitely might have to include something like this in my game.

    Locations that are memorable, like Unrest or Plane of Fear in EverQuest.

    Also, people love to collect good-looking items.

    Addicting to me means having a goal to accomplish. I like the idea of revenge, for instance, say the antagonist beats the crap out of you at the beginning of the game, and then later on you get a chance to mess his day up.

    Revenge is sweet in games like that. I like the ability to roam freely. Being able to go to places in the story before the story actually occurs there. All that stuff is good.

    Good luck with it man.

    A wide, big world and a decent story.

    There are a wide variety of RPG types out there, and some have aspects that work better than others. Personally, I can do with or without a story, it really depends on what type of gameplay it is. For example, Kingdom Hearts I and II are two of my favorite games ever, quite possibly because of the compelling and deep storyline and character development. That being said, games such as Maple Story and World of Warcraft, while not being story or character driven, still pull me to them, because of other parts of the game. I think a vast number of people would agree, due to the sheer number of people who play MMOs like that.

    I think what separates good RPGs from bad is not story but how well the game incorporates the individual playing the game. Some games try too hard to tell a story and forget that the point of the game is to have interactivity and player involvement.

    So, that aside, some good pointers are:

    - Story
    The story should be not too long and not too deep but it should be there, because players will lose interest killing monsters without a purpose.

    - Individuality
    Let the user play the game as he wants to. For example, things like character customization and side quests will give the player the idea that the game isn't all about linear plot lines and beating the game. Rather, he can spend time gathering cool looking gear, or leveling up so he can unlock a neat skill.

    - Timing
    One thing you have to remember is that you are making a Flash game, not a retail RPG. If you make an experience curve to high, make the story drag on too long, or make characters perform tedious tasks over and over again, players will most likely click that dreaded little X at the top of the window. Experiment with the timing so that just as a player gets bored of fighting wild boars he gets to level 10 and can now where new armor. It will keep people interested, and that is what will make them like your game.

    I'm getting tired of typing now so I'll leave it at that. I don't usually write long winded posts like this but look at that, you got me going. Anyway, I'm looking forward to your release.

    - AF

    Wowie look at all this good stuff :) I'll put more work into my customization, and the timing thing is something I hadn't properly considered that you've made a good point about. I need to keep it consistently interesting. I'll just do a lot of beta testing to see where I can strike a good balance :D

    Thanks bunches. I've been working a lot on the alpha, but I can't even put an estimation date on it at this point. Even so, it's coming along pretty nice :D

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